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Pastor Story Hour

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Just a few years ago, in the LGBTQ stronghold of San Francisco, Drag Queen Story Hour was unleashed upon the world. Adult perverts with a penchant for sexualizing children dawned their demonic costumes and infiltrated one public library after another. Within a few weeks, and continuing on in the years ahead, an unholy movement was spawned that would captivate the country. Today, in libraries all across this nation, the mentally disturbed and morally degenerate continue unabated, mustering all the energy they can spare to bring our kids into their world of seedy shadows and dank darkness.

Enough is enough!


When I was deployed to the National Training Center in Death Valley, California, one of our pre-mission briefings was about a local indigenous turtle. Apparently, whenever the poor beast felt frightened, it would hide in its shell, which seemed like a fairly normal thing for a turtle to do. Yet, if a predator persisted, picking up or jostling the frightened testudines, it would do the unthinkable and urinate in its shell, drowning itself in its own waste fluids. Apparently, you really could scare the pee out of this turtle, and that would inevitably kill this creature.

Knowing this was extremely important to the US Army, because this particular turtle was on the endangered species list and came with a hefty price tag. The last thing Uncle Sam wanted one of his boys doing is accidentally suiciding a poor turtle with a peculiar defense mechanism. This, unfortunately, is what many in the church and Christians in the United States have become.

Instead of rising to the challenge of our day like lions, becoming salt in a decaying culture, and light in the midst of darkness, far too many have ran back into their shells. Is it any wonder we look like we’ve wet ourselves and the church appears like it is dying? We have adopted the cultural strategy of a Death Valley turtle!

Instead of continuing such a miserable and failed approach, I believe it is time for us to be honest about who we are. We do not support the perversion of our children. We wont stand idly by while perverts in the line of Kinney continue to perform disgusting social experiments on our children. Enough is enough!

Now is the time for the church to wake up. To speak the truth in love, which most definitely requires speaking. It is time to stand for truth so that this nation does not continue to fall into ranker and danker error. And, now is the time for us to boldly herald the truth of God, even if it conflicts with what the societal elites are shoving down our throats.

This gets us to Pastor Story Hour…


Last month (or so), one of my friends named Michael Foster, and a fellow brother in our Augustine Presbytery, (definitely not a turtle) announced that he was doing a Pastor Story Hour at his public library. Soon thereafter, Dale Partridge (not related to the bird) would do the same thing, followed by Kirk Cameron, and then several other pastors around the country.

Seeing that the Lord was moving in this, passionate for the discipleship of our children, and encouraged that our families might be blessed by a similar thing, I decided to reach out to the library closest to our church to see if this is something we can do as well.

I felt sure that one church and one pastor could not change the world, but if I was inspired by a few men to do this, maybe I could inspire a few more men, and maybe we could start a movement! Maybe we could, just one library at a time, teach our children who their God is, why His plans are best, and how following Him will lead to a life of joy and peace. I also thought, wouldn’t it be amazing if the Lord used something like this to show the world who He is and why following Him is the only way to salvation.

Today, I found out that the Library accepted my request and we have reserved our very first Pastor Story Hour time slot!


As far as the details go, we will be meeting at the Chelmsford Public Library on Friday January the 13th from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM. I chose this time for two reasons. First, the public Library has a lot of requests and there were not many spots available. But, second, I though families could come before lunch and then leave with plenty of time for food and afternoon naps.

If this time does not work for folks, let me know better times and I would love to do whatever I can so that the most people can make it.



As you can imagine, the unholy trinity of the world, the flesh, and the devil hate when Christians bring the Gospel into the public square. Satan has been working overtime to muddle marriage, redefine sex and gender, and to cause a rising generation to adopt the ethics of Brave New World. I do not expect this to be easy. I actually think it will be a fight, both in the material and spiritual realms. And, with that, I would like to ask you to do three things.


One of the most important things you can do is pray. Pray the library does not bend to societal pressures and cancel our event. Pray that the woke mobs do not show up and accost us. Pray that God would get glory. Pray that we would have a platform to share His truth. And pray that we would be honorable, humble, and holy in all we do and that we would be faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ.


One of the ways that events like this can be successful is by getting the word out. The room I have reserved will hold about 75 kids and I would love to get as close to that number as we can. I want the Library to see a massive group of Christians joyfully gathered around our love for the savior and a commitment to His truth over everything else!

Also, perhaps there are children and parents that you know who would benefit from something like this. We would love for them to come! In fact, we are open to anyone coming, so long as they are willing to give God and His Word a fair shake.


Finally, would you mark your calendars and commit to coming? Again, it is January the 13th at the Chelmsford Public Library. Come join us, it is going to be great. Don’t be a turtle!

For Christendom,

Kendall Lankford