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What Satan Hates Most

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“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves (the devils) are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.” - C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Between these two quotes exists a powerful point. As it relates to Satan and the demonic realm, we must not dismiss, obsess, or live in ignorance of our greatest foe. Instead, as good soldiers of Christ, we must understand who our enemy is, what he hates most, and where that hatred is aimed in our society today.


In the spirit of knowing our enemy well, here is a bare-bones summary of the prince of darkness. 

He is called the devil, the dragon, a deceiver, the serpent, the prince and god of this world, and an “angel” who is in charge of the abyss (Revelation 9:11; 12:4,9, 13-14; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 6:15; Genesis 3:1-5, 13; John 12:31). He is chief among the fallen devils who were cast out of heaven for their rebellion against God (Revelation 12:9). Originally made as the most beautiful of all God’s angelic hosts (Ezekiel 28:12-19), he became the father of narcissism, enamored with his own beauty, a megalomaniac who wanted to elevate his throne over and above the Living God (Isaiah 14:12-15). He and his entire demonic horde of minions were cursed to slither along the face of the earth, like a starving pack of famished lions, seeking whomever they may devour (1 Peter 5:8). He is morally corrupted and evil to his rotten core (Matthew 13:19). He is a pathological liar and has been a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). He is a seditious schemer and slanderer extraordinaire (Ephesians 6:11; Job 1:9-11). All of this along with the fact that he disguises himself as an agent of light while secretly planning your demise (2 Corinthians 11:14). That is who Satan is. 

In regards to what Satan does, he is ever working in opposition to the people of God (Job 2:1-7). He attempts to thwart angelic aid dispatched to us in times of need (Jude 9; Daniel 10:13-21). And he stands vigorously in defiance of all of God’s purposes (Matthew 16:23), His written and spoken Word (Matthew 13:3-19), and against God’s righteousness (1 John 3:7-10). He works for the exploitation of human weakness (Ephesians 4:26-27). He labors incessantly to ensure we fall away from God (1 Thessalonians 3:5). And, along with all of this, he is the chief accuser of humanity before the throne of God (Revelation 12:10). 


When you take all the verses in Scripture as a whole, you begin to see a malevolent spiritual being who salivates in searing hatred against humanity. After this dazzling creature was cast from the halls of heaven, God knelt down in the dust of the earth to craft a being to rule over and defeat him. As Satan stood from a distance, he watched with perfect hate that God would design such a feeble creature to be the one that rules him. The purest form of disgust washed over him as God imprinted His glorious image upon the soul of man. Blind fury consumed him as God breathed His life-giving breath into Adam’s lungs. Jealousy gripped the fallen spirit's heart as man and woman, embodied creatures with an immaterial soul, communed in paradise with their God. A past time the cursed angel once enjoyed. 

With the envy of a teenage girl whose darling former sugar muffin was now dating her bestie, Satan was driven into compulsive hatred. His jealousy propelled him into an unrelenting war against the man and the woman. He placed the crosshairs of his ire squarely on the shiny new couple, and all of their offspring forever. As man had been sculpted from the dust, Satan took on the body of a slithering serpent and snaked his way into the garden to eliminate his opposition. 

Through his cunning and craftiness, he tricked the man and woman into vacating their thrones, abdicating their crowns, and being subject to his slavery and death forever. Like prisoners of war, Lucifer gleefully tortured the race of man, laughing every time they squealed, concentrating the lion's share of his wrath to be aimed right at the center of their purpose. Since man was made to be fruitful, multiplying, ruling, and subduing, and the extenders of God’s dominion, Satan would attack their fruit, make them divisive, weak, and subjected, and the agents who build up his kingdom instead of God’s. Since men were made to be leaders in their homes and to hold fast to the commands, Satan would convince them to be weak, pathetic, passive, and disinterested in what God says. Since women were made to joyfully submit to her husband, build a home, and bear much fruit, Satan would work tirelessly to convince her to oppose her husband, abandon the home, and abandon her motherly instincts.  

We must remember, it was Satan who came first to Eve, the one who would bear the race of serpent-crushing men. Under the influence of this unclean spirit, it was Cain who butchered human life, killing his brother in a fit of rage. It was the serpent-wearing Pharaoh who called for all the male children to be murdered in the Nile. It was the serpent-worshipping people of Canaan, who threw their children into the flames of Molech. And it was the maniac despot Herod, who worshiped the lord of darkness, by killing all the infants in Bethlehem. Throughout the Bible, Satan has been attacking the race of man, stealing, killing, and destroying everything man was called by God to be. 


While the epic of creation imploded into fantastic loss, the irony of the Gospel showed itself to be sweeter than European Locust honey. For from the race of man, a deliverer surely came. Born of a woman. God with us. He came when all the dreams of rescue were fading like stars in a cloudy sky. At just the right time the true Adam, serpent-crushing Christ name Jesus, landed on the shores of the earth to bring the war to Satan and his kingdom. Jesus Christ came bringing an invasion, to inaugurate His counter Kingdom of rescue, delivering men and women from their slavery and sin, so that His newly blood-bought people would be brought back into the fight to take back the world that the devil had stolen. 

If you are a Christian, you have been freed from the concentration camps of Baphomet to take up the bayonet for Christ. You have been forgiven your treasons, insurrections, and rebellions. You have been absolved of your cowardice and purified of your fears. And you have been brought into a holy army, made into a solider, called along with others to be fruitful in Christ, multiply for Christ, rule over this world on behalf of Christ, subdue it for the glory of Christ, and extend His dominion to the ends of the earth. As we take back territory, we are promised that the sulfuric gates of hell will come tumbling down. And in this life, we are called to make war with the accuser of our soul and to attack the areas where he is still terrorizing the race of man.  

To that end, let us examine where the enemy is waging all-out war today, and let us gird our loins for battle. 


Considering how fervently Satan hates godly women, men, wives, husbands, children, and fruitful multiplying marriages, should we be surprised that this is still the epicenter of his attack today? Nothing has changed. The same stinking wretch who inspired the pharaoh to throw Israel’s infants in the Nile is the same villain who motivated Margaret Sanger to create Planned Parenthood. He actively fuels the abortion industry, “women’s rights” lobbyism, absent fatherism, and lawmakers who fight to protect our local chapters of Auschwitz, where serial killers in medical gowns butcher our babies. 

He is the one championing the perversion of our teens, luring them like mice to the slaughter with a rainbow-colored flute. He salivates when adults surgically remove our daughter's breasts and chemically castrate our boys. He cheers on the free-sex hook-up culture that destroys a person's capacity for meaningful covenantal monogamy. He is behind every pervert filming, producing, and posting every sexual perversion online. He is lord over the finger-nail-painted sissy who is grooming your children on Youtube. He is the guiding hand behind the morning-after bill that kills the race of men, the condoms to prevent the race of men, and family planning to pervert the race of men. He is the one who convinced couples to have more dogs than children and to view fruitful families as selfish and a nuisance. He is the real author of China’s one-child policy and the inspiration for the Georgia guide stones. He is the founder of the Eugenics movement and the reason population control keeps being dropped like seeds in our media. He is the reason our education system avoids teaching logic and knowledge and focuses instead on victimhood, societal slights, and twerking drag queens in our children’s faces. And sadly, he is that slithering snake who has found his way into the camp of God, the Church, convincing Christians to avoid having children or to fail in discipling the ones they have, because our catechized covenant children will be the certain end of His future. 


To know our enemy, we must understand that Satan hates, more than anything else, a godly, covenantal, fruitful, multiplying, child-discipling marriage. We must understand that our act of war cannot be to adopt our culture's child-hating, population-controlling, family-planning Satanic ethic. As Christians, we must believe, accept, and adopt the all-sufficient Word’s plan for families, that numerous children really are a blessing, that a man and woman will be blessed when their quivers are full of sons and daughters, and to remember that our purpose on earth is to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the world with worshippers who rule over and put down that wriggling dragon of old. 

As Christians, the weapons of our warfare are not all that complicated, although in this generation they are rather controversial. If we established a norm that large fruitful, multiplying, and glorifying families are the Bible’s aim, and then we catechized our children in the faith, removed them from the serpent’s schools, brought them to God-glorifying Churches, who raised our boys to take dominion for Christ, and our girls to build up holy cathedrals in her living room, then we would see the empire of the dragon dwindling at a rate none of us have ever seen before. the Bible casts that sort of vision. The question is will we have the courage to do this? 


At the start of any reformation, there will be lots of tears. Before we can move forward we need to taste the bitterness pill of where we have been. Some reading a post like this have children who have already left home and denied the faith and I know the pain you feel must be gut-wrenching. Some are single and cannot find a godly spouse and for you the loneliness is deafening. Others cannot conceive children at all and the barrenness of your womb reverberates across your soul in a way I cannot imagine. 

My heart in writing this post is for reformation. If your child has left the faith, today is the day to pray for his or her salvation. Do not sit in the sadness you are feeling. Beg the Lord for your child’s soul. Give those affections to Jesus Christ and cling to your sovereign Lord for His comfort and grace. 

If you are single and frustrated that you cannot find a faithful spouse, do not compromise your convictions. Do not lower your standards to find a warm body, give your plight over to the Lord, trust that He loves you and wants you to have good gifts, and wait on the man or woman who will walk with you in Biblical fidelity instead of settling for capitulations and compromises. When that spouse comes, you will be equally yoked, and you can be fruitful and multiply with them! 

If you cannot conceive a child, then you experience one of the most visceral aches a human heart can feel. While everyone on earth can understand your despair, I would challenge you to give your heart over to Christ, not to identify with your sufferings, and to ask the Lord how you can be involved in His war with your body. For instance, beyond all of the spiritual and tangible ways you can serve the Lord in this culture, you can also adopt unwanted children into your home, since this pictures the Gospel more clearly than anything I know. For we were the unwanted child that God scooped up, brought into His home, and made us new in His love. If you cannot have children, or even if you can, adoption is a beautiful and God-glorifying option that puts you right into the center of the fight. 

If you are a married believer, and within the age of childrearing, do not delay pregnancy for goals, education, entertainment, finances, freedom, or whatever lie the enemy is propagating. Husbands, love your wives and fill her home with children. Wives, raise your children to grow up and threaten the devil’s domain. Have large families and build our Lord and master’s kingdom. That legacy will long outlive whatever other accomplishments you can string together. 


Satan hates godly, fruitful, multiplying, ruling, and subduing humans. He hates the Church that is taking back his territory. And he hates most fiercely covenant Christians who catechize their children. Knowing this, let us not abandon evangelism. Let us not abandon discipleship. Let us not forget the means of grace. And let us not have a low view of the family and covenant children. Perhaps the Lord would use such a movement to scare the hell out of this society, beginning in New England, and then into all the nations. Amen.